A trademark registration in India is valid for a period of ten years from the date of registration. The trademark can be renewed for further periods of ten years, on payment of the prescribed renewal fee.
The renewal application must be filed in Form TM-R and must be accompanied by the following documents:
A copy of the trademark registration certificate
The prescribed renewal fee
A declaration that the trademark is still in use
The renewal application can be filed online or by post. The application must be filed at least six months before the expiry of the trademark registration.
If the renewal application is filed within six months of the expiry of the trademark registration, a late fee will be payable. If the renewal application is not filed within six months of the expiry of the trademark registration, the trademark will be removed from the Register of Trademarks.
The trademark can be restored within one year of its removal from the Register of Trademarks, on payment of the prescribed restoration fee. If the trademark is not restored within one year of its removal from the Register of Trademarks, the trademark will be deemed to have never been registered.
Here are some tips for renewing your trademark registration in India:
File your renewal application on time. The renewal application must be filed at least six months before the expiry of the trademark registration.
Pay the renewal fee. The renewal fee is payable on filing of the renewal application.
Submit the required documents. The renewal application must be accompanied by the following documents:
A copy of the trademark registration certificate
The prescribed renewal fee
A declaration that the trademark is still in use
File your renewal application online or by post. The renewal application can be filed online or by post.
By following these tips, you can help to ensure that your trademark registration is renewed on time and that you avoid any penalties.