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White Hair: Causes and Prevention

Grey hair is a common occurrence in people and it can appear at almost any age. But, what's the scientific reason behind it? Your hair follicles have pigment cells that make melanin, a substance that gives your hair its color. With age, these cells start to die. Without pigment, new hair stronds grow lighter and toke various shades of grey, silver, and eventually white. Once a follicle stops making melanin, it won’t moke colored strands again.

What's premature grey hair?

Some people get grey hair around 10 or more years earlier than the average person does. It's premature if the hair turns gray before: -

  • 20 if they are white.

  • 25 if they are Asian

  • 30 if they are African American

What decides when it happens?

Genetics is the primary reason that causes hair ta turn grey. Your genes affect how early and how quickly it happens. For example, if either of your parents had grey hair in their 30s, chances are you will too.

Can stress cause hair to turn grey?

As per a recent study carried out by researchers at Harvard, there is a direct link between stress s grey hair. The sympathetic nervous system is to be blamed for it. These nerves are all over the body, including making inroads to each hair follicle. Chemicals released during the stress response — specifically norepinephrine — causes pigment-producing stem cells to deactivate prematurely, depleting the hair’s ”reserves” of color.

Can health issues cause grey hair?

Yes! These conditions may include:-

  • Protein deficiencies

  • Vitamin B-12 deficiency

  • Deficiency of copper & iron

  • Thyroid diesel

  • Certain rare inherited tumor conditions

  • Vitiligo, a condition that destroys pigment-making cells in the scalp

Does smoking lead to grey hair?

Meet definitely! Smoking is harmful far in every way, including your hair. As per a study, smokers are 2 and a half times more likely to get grey hair before age 30 than nonsmokers. It also can make silver-gray look yellow.

Does plucking cause more grey hair?

No. it doesn't. However, that does not mean you should pluck out grey hair because even if you do, another grey hair will grow out in its place. Besides, pulling hair cut can damage follicles so much, they no longer grow hair. This can lead to thinning of hair over time.

Can grey hair be reversed?

Genetic or age-related greying of hair cannot be reversed. However, greying related to diet, pollution, and stress can be slowed down with a balanced diet and a good hair care regimen.

Here are some lifestyle changes you can make to prevent unnatural greying of hair:

  • Get enough vitamins such as Vitamins B12, D, E and A. Don't forget to replenish your resource of minerals like sine, iron & copper.

  • Stop smoking: Among other negatives, smoking can damage and shrink hair follicles.

  • Protect your hair from the sun: Cover up with a hat or scarf.

  • Step damaging your hair: Certain hair care actions that can damage your hair include

Bleaching, using a brush instead of a wide-toothed comb, (especially with wet hair), applying too much heat with a curling iron or hairdryer using harsh soaps/shampoos, and washing too frequently.

Natural remedies for grey hair

Dyeing your hair may cover up the greys for a short period of time but it may not suit everyone. Natural remedies can offer an alternative solution to slow down pigment loss.

  • Coconut oil: Every other day, before bed, massage coconut oil onto your hair and scalp. The next morning, wash your hair as usual.

  • Ginger: Every day, eat a teaspoon of freshly grated ginger mixed with 1 tablespoon of honey.

  • Amla: Drink six ounces of fresh amla juice every day or massage your hair with amla oil one time each week.

  • Ghee: Twice a week, massage your heir end scalp with pure ghee.

  • Almond oil: Mix together equal parts of almond oil, lemon juice, and amla juice. Massage the mixture into your hair and scalp. Follow this routine two times a day for three months.




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